Kavyakala Kumaranasaniloode
Category : STUDY
In Kavyakala Kumaranasaniloode, PK Balakrishnan studies the works of Kumaranasan as a medium for discourse on the art of poetry. The foundation of this book is the consideration of fundamentals and basic expressions of poetry as an art. The intention of the author is not to write a comprehensive work on the life and works of the great Malayalam poet Kumaranasan.
Those studying about the art of poetry in general and the works of Kumaranasan in particular will find a lot of unexplored areas through this book. This book is not just a collection of articles but a book with an integrated design.
This book not only studies the general nature of a genius in the realm of poetic art through the life of the poet, it also sheds light into the beautiful world of Asan's poetry. By re-evaluating some of the poetic works with this rare insight, this book elevates itself to the realm of original literature.
The preface to the book is written by the author's friend Prof. M. Gangadharan.
The book is dedicated to his friend Sarkar Mohammed.
Copyright © Avinash Prabhakaran 2023